archaic is passionate to create the new ways for contemporary living environment for the fast-moving urban dwellers. Enormous influences of the information technology and the rapidly changes in the trend of fashion of the urban people, there creating an advanced functional and aesthetical needs of the time. Thus, to fulfill the desire of the consumer, archaic is always researching for a cutting-edge design solution to create a sustainable and user-friendly architectural environment. 

archaic is highly inspired by glorious ancient architectural heritage and contemporary engineering as well as the advance technology. With the combination of both of these historical and futuristic ideas mingled to shape into a unique creative form. 

Since 2006 archaic is working with a complete professional team and have successfully completed several many projects in the architectural design field. Multi storied commercial building, Multifamily apartments, Industries, Institutions, Banks & Multinational business office, Restaurant, Resort & Hotel, Airport lounges, and Private residence etc. In the year 2017 archaic has enlisted into the joint stock as a limited company as “archaic architects limited”.

archaic has created their unique space in the heart of the valued customers. By using the modem tools, digital technologies, along with the essence of the heritage, archaic is connecting human beings with their living environment, culture and their aspirations in a holistic approach.

Founder of Archaic: Architect – Writer Moniruzzman Mondal, Master of Disaster Management, Bachelor of Architecture, Member of IAB Institute of Architects Bangladesh, Registered in RAJUK, Alumni BRACU, KU, Alliance Frenches, Council Member of BACE Bangladesh Association of Consulting Engineers. Publications – Puppet Animation Studio and Theater (2001), Reduction of Fire Hazard in RMG Factories in Bangladesh through Design and Planning Approaches (2015), Dhoa Jatreera Jehetu Fanush Hoee Vashen (2007), Deeghiparer Jalchobi (2009), Chiriakhana Akraman – Translation of stories of Haruki Murakami (2015). Interviewed by Daily Jugantor (2003, 2007), Ananda-Alo (2008).